Here’s the BEST Royalty-Free GIF Platform for Commercial Use

By WebMarketKings

August 1, 2020

If you find yourself here now, it means you are interested in GIFs that are not restricted by royalties of any kind and are up for use for commercial purposes.

You might also be appreciative of the concept of GIFs when you encounter them and have had good laughs when you see unique and funny ideas that were concretized in the GIF platform.

You are in luck because I do have a definite answer for you!

Now. I am going to discuss with you an instrument that I apply every single day for my work as a marketing content creator.

I will ensure to you that the nice GIFs that you will discover on will be like no other counterpart…you will not be able to find them somewhere else in the cyber sphere!

In addition. I will display to you a simple plan of action that I devised to produce some legitimate money on the side (from my customers) every 30 days at the ending of this piece of valuable content. So, stick around if you are interested in what I have to offer.

Maybe it has never occurred to you that one day. GIFs will be churning out money for you by the hundreds, if not, thousands of dollars. You will think, it is a miracle that such a simple concept could help in monetization.

Never underestimate the power of the GIF if it is in the right hands…yours!

=> Check the Price of Gifing




Gifing is a new online company started by a French start up entrepreneur named Anthony Nevo. He is also the CEO of Gifing at present and its brand face. Gifing is entrusting its promising platform to clients to empower them towards online success by helping them with their marketing plans.

Anthony Nevo has this persistent dream to introduce a novel idea on the Internet that enables royalty-free animated GIFs as helpful applications for commercial use. But there’s more to GIFs and video clips when you talk about monetization strategies on the Internet. Both of them have unique distinctions to them compared to other platforms you will ever use online – both GIFs and video clips have proven time and again their high engagement rate! Cyber surfers are really that interested in anything that’s moving online, including GIFs and video clips.

If you are a marketing content creator, a social media specialist, an SEO optimizer, a campaign manager, a businessman, or a worker in an agency, you will find a need somewhere for these wonderful GIFs to promote your business or online concerns – and you will see the positive results in due time.

In late January 2020. when Gifing emerged online, it provided more than 10.000 distinct GIFs, which were already uploaded beforehand. You could just imagine the load of work that was executed before Gifing opened with these tens of thousands of new GIF creations. As of the present, the number of GIFs in Gifing is fast encroaching the 30.000 mark, a sign that Gifing is rising up to be an Internet phenomenon.

In this valuable content. I will be leading you through all the aspects on why Gifing is so different and unique:

  1. GIFs and videos
  2. Sizes and Formats
  3. Pricing vs Plans (refreshed and updated for Covid 19)
  4. Bonus
  5. Special Tools

Anthony Nevo has revolutionized the way the world thinks about GIFs, and even video clips. He has uncovered their power in the online marketing content world.

But if you are interested already, you can sign up at this very moment. Please click here.


The first purpose of Gifing was to assist marketers in their online goals. That’s why Gifing has been earlier designed to be a vital tool for advertising campaigns, organic content strategies, and online optimization plans.

Gifing actually understands the minds of marketers and how they operate. Anthony Nevo has anticipated that they need unique tools that will make online audiences take a second look at the products and services they are offering online by using Gifing creations to increase their appeal.

In Gifing. you will be searching through tens of thousands of free animated GIFs that are funny, silly, quirky, original, distinct, epic, and unique.

Definitely, they are not your out-of-the-blue and casual GIPHY GIFs which you use in your online social conversations. Sometimes, you get bored with the routinary GIFs that are being provided to people nowadays. The special content in Gifing has the ultimate purpose of enhancing your marketing and organic aspirations online, so they are designed towards that monetization route.

royalty free gifs

Here are some interesting GIF categories that are available and ready for your perusal:

  • Food and nutrition
  • Culinary And Baking Arts
  • Health
  • Sport and fitness
  • Beauty
  • Online Gaming
  • Business and Marketing
  • Feelings
  • Psychology
  • Money
  • Fun
  • Couple
  • Dating
  • Home/Lifestyle
  • Family
  • Fashion/Shopping
  • Vacations
  • Pandemic

And a lot more, because thousands of unique GIFs are added every month to Gifing. which is now fast approaching a content of 30.000 GIFs. And soon, very soon, all GIFs and videos onboard will both be engineered in 4K quality.

It is actually up to you on how to use the high-quality GIFs and video clips to your utmost advantage. The power is at the tip of your finger tips to exponentially expose your marketing content to the world, with the valuable assistance of Gifing.

Additionally, for your discretion, the GIFs and video clips will also be both available in lower quality resolution, retrievable for any online purposes.


The free animated GIFs that are not restricted by any copyright are immediately available in 3 sizes:

  1. Square
  2. Vertical (story)
  3. Horizontal (landscape)

gifing giphy


Gifing has made a critical choice from the very beginning in January 2020 that has made it the Internet success story that is it today. Anthony Nevo’s creation has made it a point to concentrate on the story format (vertical) – choosing it over the horizontal (landscape) format.

What is the reason for this formidable decision within Gifing? It is because of the exponential growth of stories content throughout all social media platforms. Stories content are available in Instagram. Facebook. Snapchat. YouTube, and even on the newest social media phenomenon TikTok. Gifing is initiating the offensive because it is anticipating a surge of marketing professionals who will jump on the common bandwagon with this still underpriced and undervalued online content of GIFs and videos. It seems online observers have been looking the other way on what will be the next big thing in marketing Internet content. They didn’t know it was under their noses for a very long time. They have underestimated the power of GIFs and video clips.

Gifing has also acknowledged its potential growth is directly linked to its adaptability to smartphones and their mobile screen sizes. What this organization did is to create more content and more ads that are customized and designed for smartphone screens. Marketing personalities will never stop thirsting for more unique content that can help them sell their merchandise, whether it be products, services, or content, and Gifing will be filling in that wide gap, by delivering new GIFs and video clips that are designed and adapted for this new reality of smartphone customization. There is even a forecast that payments in all currencies and online education will all be adapted to the peculiarities of the smartphone. So it just follows that GIFs and video clips, courtesy of Gifing, will not be too far behind in this technology.


Vertical video clips can be resized to square format depending on the purpose. That is why both vertical and square formats are both ready for downloading on the Gifing platform and fit the smartphones screens perfectly with enhanced resolution quality. Gifing has acknowledged that it should be adaptable in formatting in order to prepare also for the business response of potential competitors in the future who are observing the events that are unfolding in the online marketing cyber sphere.


If you want to shoot video clips with perfect adaptability for mobile screens, you set the camera operations to portrait mode. So a landscape video (horizontal) cannot be possible. That’s why horizontal content on your smartphone appears with blurred sides because landscape videos cannot convert to vertical. This is in part because of the early critical decision made by Gifing Management led by Anthony Nevo to customize their content to the needs of the marketing content specialists and help them with their job through meaningful and creative GIFs and video clips.


Definitely not. Gifing didn’t find exclusivity to copyright-free GIF images as its only passport to helping marketing content glow and shine in the Internet. It has also played into video clips in its platform, and these video clips are introduced in 3 file formats:

  • Video
  • GIF
  • Boomerang

Videos are basically mp4 files that are longer than 4 to 5 seconds.

GIFs are animated images in GIF or mp4 that are downloadable depending on how you are going to use them.

Boomerangs are yes, similar to the boomerang short video clips that are on Instagram. Boomerangs are mp4 files which utilize the reverse effect on an applied short video clip to produce a fun filled animation.

royalty free gifs


You should have some knowledge about licensing if you are into online marketing content.

There are 2 types of licenses that Gifing offers:

  1. A CLASSIC LICENSE – Designed for online solo marketers, cyber content creators, and start up entrepreneurs who want to access the high quality content of Gifing for their own personal or commercial use. They can use this Classic License for their website, blog, products, services, etc.
  2. AN AGENCY LICENSE – Intended for both small and large marketing agencies who have the need for resale rights in order that their content could be edited, personalized, and sold to their customers.

Thus, the plans and the prices will vary depending on your needs for online use.

For the classic license, the available plans range from $99 to $499 per month.

For the agency license, the plans vary from the lowest price of $199 to the highest price of $999.

Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, there is a limited offer ongoing to make things easier for everyone to produce their online marketing content. Gifing have in mind a new pricing policy to help agencies around the world get back on their feet. Up to today, this promotion is still in effect.

Under this offer, all GIFs and videos on Gifing are available for free access. Just create an account on the website in about 30 seconds. It is absolutely free. This free account allows you free access to copyright-free animated GIFs of up to 3 allowed downloads per day.

The pandemic has made doing business hard on everyone. Gifing knows the value of making its fantastic GIFs free for the meantime so that every online marketing content creator can get back on his feet and go back in the running for cyber influence, with a bit of help from the magic of GIFs.


We will let you in a little secret that’s going to put lucrative money into your pocket. If you are a digital marketer providing online services to clients, you might want to learn about this.

If you are a creator of content, along the way, you might need to use royalty-free GIFs or videos for commercial use. Being an agency licensee will enable your use of the right to edit, customize, and then resell your content to your customers at the price that you know is fair and also profitable for you.

It is that easy to earn lucrative money. Just log in to your Gifing account, select the GIF of your choice, then edit online using Kapwing for a few minutes. Then, experience the magic of charging your satisfied client from $100 to $200 for your creative work. Isn’t this your ultimate goal: to satisfy your customers’ needs and at the same time being paid fair and square for your hard work?

gifing affiliate program


This is something new and exciting on Gifing. It is like having a tool online with which you can craft your own unique specifications.

You will be able to personalize your GIFs online with your own identity. On the platform, you will deal directly with the GIF maker. Firstly, choose a free GIF from among the 30.000 available. Send it to the GIF maker. Add a headline, edit the text, change the colors, and then save it. You have just created a new GIF out of an existing GIF on Gifing and converted it into a unique GIF suited for your online marketing needs.


As was stated above. GIFs (and video clips) are very much underestimated and undervalued even though they have high engagement rates with online audiences. This is the perfect time to exploit the functionality of GIFs while awareness of their usefulness is still low because eventually, all marketers will eventually jump into the bandwagon.

Plus. GIFs can be used anywhere. They are entertaining to view and can definitely boost engagement.

Facebook and Instagram advertising campaigns are a breeze with GIFs as your main visuals. As we have said. GIFs are always given a second look online, as statistics show. How many Facebook and Instagram posts have you seen that employed GIFs and you were thoroughly entertained?

Although Linkedln, also an important social media tool, doesn’t accept GIFs at the moment, your GIFs can be downloaded there as mp4 files and they will be auto played and looped.

In a whole lot of communication platforms such as Messenger, Slack, What’s App, and Telegram, GIFs are applicable as you might have known already.

If you already have your own blog or planning on starting one. GIFs improve and add value to your content and keep your readers entertained. Maybe just a week ago, you were not using GIFs at all and you didn’t understand bloggers who utilize GIFs as part and parcel of their marketing content most of the time. Now, these GIFs are right under your control, through Gifing. and you have learned to appreciate their value.

GIFs are creative tools that can be included in the content of your weekly newsletters (and make them more interesting) that you send to your subscribers through their email addresses.

Your YouTube videos will benefit from the use of video clips in Gifing since YouTube has introduced a story format on smartphones.

Gifing‘s licenses give you authorization for the copyrights of the free GIFs and video clips.

=> Check the Price of Gifing


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